Lauren Ruth, 2014, Long Run
"I grew up in Silicon Valley in a culture that required one to perform and conform within a strict culture of perfection and success. My work aims to poke holes and relieve some of the pressure to acheive by creating a space where the strange and the illogical can coexist. I derive my aesthetic from the sanitized material culture of institutions, gyms, and gathering spaces, and the work lampoons the macho cultures bred within these bodily associations that speak to repressed fantasies and how we sublimate our desires. Harkening back to a high school gymnasium with hanging banners, gym mats, vague motivational signage, the work references an adolescent anxiety brought on by a fiercely competitive culture that weeds out the winners from the losers.
Lauren Ruth, 2011, Invisible Link
We live in a world that never lets us off the hook and often become blind to the absurdity of our own lives. Humor and weirdness are a way of coping with the mythology of perfection that requires us to take life so seriously. Reveling in awkwardness and performing vulnerability, my work embraces failure and offers itself as a space for connection and social interaction."
Lauren Ruth, 2014, The Charger and Sanitation Seating