
SENTINELS: Karen Seapker
Sitting in a chair. A head on your arm. A head that isn’t yours./A piece of you/outside of
Hush, vents/rattling night/
What time is it?
Witness from a
Front window/a cell phone
A broken eclipse/blinds drawn
On the wall/shield your eyes
are her eyes/teeth cutting
gums/the skinned knees of sons/
in memoriam/translate pain
into depth/rivers to seas/memories of
tangled limbs/holy
To take shape/form/someone
From nothing/again/someone
From nothing/movement
From still/pigment/shade
Mother, there is no/altar but
Your breast/there is water/
In your voice/palms up/
to blend, to
Lioness. Swollen feet/to bring
You home/the first time/
to first stand/mother
Bare soft belly/coven/to gather
Water/protector/to raise and to nurse/
Thirteen constellations/the vulnerable
Rage of witches/
To stand and to engage/
Sentinels features recent paintings by Karen Seapker. The exhibition opens on January 6th with a reception from 6-8pm.
dates: January 6- February 24
opening reception January 6, 6-8pm
artist: Karen Seapker
showing with: States of Matter