Nancy Rhoda

My black and white photojournalism work is selected from the mid 70's to early 80's. With a background and interest in social work I gravitated toward social commentary. Photojournalism gave me the opportunity to explore, through visual narrative, the community around me. To tell these stories, I would look for moments beyond the obvious--images that encouraged the viewer to see and imagine what might unfold--or images that would increase awareness and understanding of others. I sought to isolate people and events long enough to reveal their individuality. Sometimes they projected vulnerability, sometimes they were lighthearted, other times they were determinedly strong. With these photographs I hope I have honestly communicated moments from that place and time, and that these images will communicate as much to those who view them today.

University of Arizona, 1965-68
University of California, Berkeley, 1969 – 70
Peabody College, 1972, – B.A. in Psychology and Art; Nashville, TN
University of Tennessee Graduate School of Social Work, 1973 – 74
Neiman Fellowship, Harvard University - Studies in American Society, 1980 – 81



Dialogues 2: Photography