Conglomerate. New Paintings...

Zeitgeist is please to start the Fall art season with new work by Nashville-based painter James Perrin.

Perrin presents a heady mix of expressionist-abstraction and realist figurative elements. Vigorous line work creates a skein of lattice weaving together color and figurative passages into a cohesive whole. Figures are distorted (abstracted) in a traditional European Renaissance technique known as Anamorphosis. According to the artist:

The term is applied to an image when it appears to be normal when viewed from the side and distorted when viewed from the front. I use this technique to make a representational painting appear nonrepresentational and to make nonrepresentational paintings unconsciously representational.  "

Anamorphosis is just one technique I incorporate to distort an image, but I will also use any kind of logical and perspective based distortions.  I also use images of CAT scans and MRIs."

Perrin holds Fine Art degrees from the Kansas City Art Institute, Boston University, and studied painting in Perugia, Italy through the American University in Washington, D.C. His work has been purchased for the permanent collections of the Tennessee Arts Commission, Boston University, and The Grimaldi Collection in Rome, Italy.


james perrin 

September 2 through September 25, 2010